Skátar hljómsveit vikunnar á CMJ Sonicbids

skatarHin frábæra sveit Skátar er hljómsveit vikunnar á vefsíðunni CMJ Sonicbids. Alltaf gaman þegar  góðar hljómsveitir vekja athygli Smile


Skatar Wins Sonicbids
2008-02-29 10:47:51.603,
Story by: Abby Margulies

Skatar is the winner of this week's CMJ Sonicbids Spotlight. The Icelandic fivesome (plus some, minus some) got their start in 2001, and released their debut EP on Grandmother's, their own grassroots label. The band followed that up this past summer with a full-length, The Ghost Of The Bollocks To Come, attracting attention across the UK, Belgium and Iceland. Despite various offers from Icelandic and other international record companies, the slightly dissonant, yet pleasingly poppy group remains true to its DIY ethos and has continued to fund and produce its own work.



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