Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, september 2008

Smá Seventies

Ég hef veriđ í smá 70's stuđi undanfariđ. Hef veriđ ađ hlusta mikiđ á Strawbs og Edgar Winter Group eins og ég hef bloggađ smá um undanfariđ. Platan "They only come out at night" međ Winter er alveg frábćr.

Hér er lagiđ Frankenstein



Ég var líka ađ rifja upp kynnin viđ Funkadelic plötuna "Maggot Brain" sem er ekkert nema snilldin. Sérstaklega titillagiđ.



Síđan tók ég smá ZZ Top flipp. Horfđi á nýlega tónleika á Blu-ray sem voru frábćrir. Skellti inn fullt af efni inná I-poddinn og ćtla svo ađ fá mér viđhafnarútgáfu af "Eliminator" sem var ađ koma út. (Ok hún er 80's)

Ég á ćđislegar minningar af ZZ Top frá fyrstu tónleikahátíđinni sem ég fór á, Donington 83. Ţeir voru í frábćru stuđi Wizard


 Rokk og roll Devil


Ekki gera mér neina greiđa

Ég hef veriđ ađ hlusta á nýja plötu međ Breska Soul söngvarnum James Hunter. Ţađ er eins og ađ fara í tímavél ađ hlusta á hana. Hann hljómar ótrúlega líkt Sam Cooke, ja eiginlega alveg eins Smile

Ég hef ekki kynnt mér feril James Hunter en man eftir plötu á síđasta ári sem hét "People Gonna Talk" og var töluvert spiluđ á Rás 2. Ég fékk mér aldrei ţann grip en ţarf ađ bćta úr ţví.


Hér er heimasíđa  kappans og hér fyrir neđan er lag af nýju plötunni "The Hard Way" sem heitir "Don't You Do Me No Favours"



Rick Wright

Hljómborđsleikarinn Rick Wright er látinn. Hann var alltaf í miklu uppáhaldi hjá mér og framlag hans til Pink Floyd ómetanlegt.

 Hann gaf einnig út 2 ágćtar sólóplötur "Wet Dream" 1978 og "Broken China" 1996

Hér er lag tekiđ af tónleikaferđlagi David Gilmour 2006 ţar sem hann syngur og spilar á hljómborđ.




Ekkert Bull

acdc_no_bull.jpgVar ađ horfa á tónleika međ AC/DC í kvöld. Ţađ er svo sannarlega hollt og gott fyrir sálina ađ horfa á AC/DC tónleika viđ og viđ Smile

Ţessir tónleikar sem heita "No Bull" boru teknir upp í Madrid Spáni 1996 á nautatsvelli sem útskýrir vćntanlega nafngiftina "Enginn boli". Ég verđ ađ viđurkenna ađ ég kann betur viđ ađ sjá gleđi og rokk og roll á svona velli í stađ einhverja nautabana ađ skemmta fólki viđ ađ kála nauti! 

 AC/DC fluttu ađ sjálfsögđu alla slagarana og ţađ var geđveik stemming í áhorfendum. Hendur á lofti allan tímann.

 Ţetta var góđ upphitun fyrir nýju plötuna ţeirra sem styttist nú í. Ég hef svaka trú á ţeim gripi.


Hér er smá sýnishorn af stemmingunni!



Rokk og roll Devil



Eitt ofarlega á "To do" listanum mínum er ađ sjá Tom Waits á tónleikum!


Annars er bara vinna í dag. AC/DC tónleikar á Blu-ray í kvöld. Lífiđ er gott Wizard



Lauja var ađ klukka mig og sjálfsagt mál ađ taka ţátt í ţví međan Metallica platan rúllar.

Vill reyndar taka strax fram ađ hljómurinn á Dauđaseglinum er frábćr. Rick Rubin klikkar ekki! Nánar um plötuna á morgun.


Fjögur störf sem ég hef unniđ um ćvina:

Vikastrákur á hóteli/Byggingarvinna/Í plötubúđ/Skrifstofuvinna

Fjórar bíómyndir sem ég held upp á:

The Godfather/The Eagle Has Landed/The Good The Bad & The Ugly/The Exorcist

Ađ fá bara ađ velja 4 er náttúrlega bara kvikindalegt!

Fjórir stađir sem ég hef búiđ á

Varberg Svíţjóđ/New York/Blesugróf/Laugavegur

Fjórir sjónvarpsţćttir sem mér líkar

Twin Peaks/Soap/Allo Allo/Twilight Zone

Fjórir stađir sem ég hef heimsótt í fríum

Amalfi (Ítalía)/Flórens/London (oft)/París

Fjórar síđur sem ég skođa daglega fyrir utan ađ blogga

Fernt sem ég held uppá matarkyns

Góđir kjúklingaréttir/Góđir fiskréttir/Indverskur/Kínverskur

Fjórar bćkur sem ég hef lesiđ oft

Les mikiđ en ekki oft sömu bćkur. Er núna ađ lesa Glćpur & Refsing. Nýbúinn međ Gyllta Áttavitann ţríleikinn.


Ég ćtla ekki ađ gera neinum ţađ ađ klukka ţá Smile

Styttist í Dauđasegulinn

12 sept nćstkomandi kemur loks nýi Metallica diskurinn út eins og flestir rokkáhugamenn vita. Ég bíđ spenntur eins og ađrir. Skrýtiđ međ Metallica, ţó ţeir hafi olliđ vonbrigđum plötu eftir plötu eftir plötu og gefiđ út síđast eina verstu plötu rokksögunnar ţá bíđur mađur samt spenntur!

En ástćđan er samt augljós. Metallica er ein besta tónleikasveit í heimi. Hún verđur ţađ áfram. Eins ţegar ég frétti ađ Rick Rubin er upptökustjóri nýju plötunnar óx mér von ađ platan gćti orđiđ góđ. Nú er fyrsta lagiđ fariđ ađ hljóma og ég er ekkert sérlega hrifinn. Alltílagi lag og náttúrlega betra en öll lögin á síđustu plötu. Greinilega afturhvarf til Justice. 


Ţar sem ég kemst ekki til akureyrar ađ hlusta međ vinum mínum í Reiđmönnum ćtla ég bara ađ setjast međ grćjurnar í botni ţegar ég fć diskinn. Vonbrigđi eđa ekki, kemur í ljós en ég ćtla samt ađ sjá ţá aftur einhvertímann á tónleikum Devil




Hangman & the Papist

Ég ćtla ađ skella öđru lagi og texta međ Strawbs. Ég dett alltaf viđ og viđ í ađ hlusta á ţá. Var ađ kaupa 3 endurútgáfur á disk fyrir stuttu. Fyrsta platan ţeirra Stawbs sem er stórfín. Síđan Dragonfly og Nomadness sem eru ađeins síđri. Ég er sérstaklega hrifinn af textanum í "Hangman & the Papist". Textarnir eru oft stórgóđar smásögur sem mér líkar mjög vel.



The village square stands quiet
The curfew still enforced
The streets are even clear of dogs and whores
Like some evil bird-of-prey
The scaffold spreads its wings
The people build their fires and bolt their doors

The mayor is giving dinner to the officers’ wives
His eldest son is learning how to fawn
The barrick block is hushed and tense
The soldiers drawing lots
Who will be the hangman in the dawn?

The lot falls on a young man
Who has served for but a year
His home is in the village close nearby
He shivers at the thought of what
He’s forced to do next day
He wonders who it is who has to die?

And the full moon casts a cold light
On the gloomy prison walls
The papist walks his cell
He cannot sleep
He hears the waiting gallows creaking
Just beyond that door
He prays for he has no more tears to weep

The day begins to break
A muffled drums begins to sound
A crowd begins to gather in the square
The presence of the hangman
In his terrifying mask
Weighs heavy on the minds of all those there
The colonel reads the sentence
Which the papist knows by heart:
He has failed to show alliegence to the king
His crime is thus with God himself
And in his name he must hang
The papist, head held high
Says not a thing

The jailer binds his hands
And puts his blindfold to his eyes
He leads him through the door before the crowd
The hangman sees his victim
And the blood drains from his face:
He sees his younger brother standing proud
The hangman tries to protest
But is ordered to proceed
His trembling hands begin to take the strain
His eyes are blind with streaming tears
And he cries for all to hear:

Forgive me God we hang him in thy name!
Forgive me God we hang him in thy name!
Forgive me God we hang him in thy name!
Oh please forgive me God we hang him in thy name!
Forgive me God we hang him in thy name!


Rokk og roll Halo


Beside the Rio Grande

Hljómsveitin Strawbs er í miklu uppáhaldi hjá mér. Ţeir spila Ţjóđlagarokk og hafa starfađ frá 1964. Bestu plötur ţeirra komu út á bilinu 1969-1974 en döluđu töluvert eftir ţađ. Ég ćtla ađ fjalla nánar um ţessa hljómsveit ţegar ég hef betri tíma en langar til ađ birta texta af laginu "Beside the Rio Grande" sem var á plötunni Deep Cuts sem kom út 1976. Magnađur texti.

It happened rather suddenly that the Preacher came to town
With stories from the Testaments of men of great reknown
With his box of patent medicines he swore to cure all ills
From the lameness in the horses, to the children's colds and chills
And he had along his Indian wife and a country music band
Who sang of peace and brotherhood beside the Rio Grande.

Now the Preacher quickly gathered sick and poor from miles around
Who came to him for comfort and to hear his country sound
But the mayor thought he was trouble when he spoke against the law
And he saw the growing power of the crowds that he could draw
And he worried when the Preacher bought himself a plot of land
To settle with his family beside the Rio Grande.

The saloon was pretty crowded and the stakes was a-running high
And the girls sang sentimental songs that made us cowboys cry
We began to criticise the Preacher marrying a squaw
And how could he associate with cripples, drunks and whores
And in a crazy fit the Preacher scattered chips and winning hands
And condemned it as a den of vice beside the Rio Grande.

Now the boys were drunk and rowdy, and mostly pretty mean
And we dragged him to the sidewalk and whipped his shoulders clean
We said he was responsible for bringing on the drought
That had burned off all the spring grass and had wiped the young herd out
The sheriff would not get involved, the law could take no hand
The Preacher had not harmed a soul.

We pegged him on the hillside alongside two Apache braves
Who'd been given picks and shovels and been made to dig their graves
And when he asked for water stood and pissed around his feet
While his tongue swelled up and blackened in the burning desert heat
And someone said we ought to mark the Preacher with a brand
To show that he did not belong beside the Rio Grande.

Then the sky began to darken and a breeze whipped up the dust
And some of us were frightened while others swore and cursed
And the Preacher said a few words with his final dying breath
About forgiving us for what we had done to bring about his death
And as the night began to fall we covered him with sand
And left his weary bones to bleach


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